How to access basic and detailed system information from your Windows computer?

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How to access basic and detailed system information from your Windows computer?

How to access basic and detailed system information from your Windows computer?

August 22, 2016

Often times, users can find system information right on their Windows computer, if they know how to find it. If you are trying to find any of the following items, you are looking for your Basic System Information:

  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Processor
  • Installed Memory (RAM)
  • System Type
  • Pen and Touch
  • Computer Name
  • Full Computer Name
  • Workgroup
  • Computer Description
  • Product ID
  • In order to access your Basic System Information, the first thing you need to do is right-click the "Start Menu" button. Click "System" and a window should pop up with all the system information listed above.

    If you want to access more detailed system information on your computer, try searching "System Information" in the search box. Alternatively, you could hit "Windows + r" simultaneously on your keyboard, and type "msinfo32" into the Run dialogue. Both options will take you to the detailed system information screen, giving your more information about your computer that you might need.

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