osCommerce Speed

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Is your osCommerce website crazy slow and you're tearing your hair out?
Read on.  The Computer Geek OsCommerce Acceleration Specialists will help you.

Can't get your Host Company to Help You with your osCommerce Store?
Read on. The Computer Geek OsCommerce Acceleration Specialists will help you.

Your current webmaster can't fix the problem?
Read on. The Computer Geek OsCommerce Acceleration Specialists will help you.

Are your potential customers leaving your osCommerce site in droves?
Read on. The Computer Geek OsCommerce Acceleration Specialists will help you.

Its been proven time and time again that if your website is slow:

  • New potential customers will drop off your site while waiting for pages to load.
  • Your Google Search Engine Rankings will suffer as that is one of the points that Google uses to rank your site.

There are a number of factors that can cause your osCommerce store to be slow:

  • Low end hosting.
  • Poorly written HTML/PHP or other types of pages.
  • Too many images and / or too many large images.
  • Site overhead is too high.
  • Database is too big and/or not indexed correctly.
  • Poorly designed database queries.

We use a tried and true set of methods for locating the exact resons(s) for your site speed issues. We will then either fix the problem or advise what has to be done.

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